It seems that some people don't grasp the concept behind a trashcan. For those of you who seem to not know what they are, they are those big round things that are located on some street corners, next to buildings at fairgrounds, outside of most every major department store and practically right around the corner at most government parks. They are there to put your trash into. Surprising I know especially with the misleading name and all. I'm not sure why it is that so many have a hard time understanding that concept. It's as if they think that if they throw stuff down everywhere that it will magically walk over to the trashcan and hop right in. Litterbugs just seem to either not care about the world and those around them or they're just flat lazy, I haven't decided which one it is yet.

Those out there that are the ones that drop their stuff onto the ground as they're walking may not like to be called a litterbug but hey, I call 'em as I see 'em. That's what littering is, throwing stuff down onto the ground. Where do you think all that stuff goes? Do you think that just because you walk by the spot that you dropped it later and it isn't there that it isn't a bother? Nice idea but wrong. Somebody had to pick up that piece of trash that you so carelessly dropped to the ground. I've seen young people walking along with a bottle of pop in their hand and just toss it down because apparently they were just flat too lazy to carry it another step. But what's so sad is that a little later you'll see an older person bend down to pick it up and carry it with them to the trash can just because they noticed it was there. Nobody wants to see garbage just lying around out in plain site, especially in the parks and beautiful sites across the country.

There is some garbage that if you toss it down can do some serious damage and you might not even realize it. Take for instance a plastic bag that you got from the store. No biggie right. What harm do you think can come from a little plastic bag? More than you think. Not so long ago there was a guy here in town who drove over one and it sucked up into his motor and reeked all kinds of havoc on his engine. That was a fun one for him to explain to his wife I'm sure. But also some animals are just curious and might nibble on the bag because they want to see what it is. But animals don't know how to spit things out and so once it's in their mouth it's in there and there is no way to go but down their throat. That can suffocate an animal so quickly you wouldn't believe it.

Littering may not be a big problem to some and you might not even realize that you do it.This world that we live in can't stay here forever with all of the litterbugs out there that feel it's ok to litter everywhere and never give it a second thought. Think before you act. It could mean the world.